Sunday, April 1, 2012

DIY Present bomb!

Today was my sister in laws' first baby shower. I am in the middle of making her a blanket, but I didn't have anything for the shower today. In a panick, I remembered a present idea I saw online a while ago, where you wrap presents tightly in crepe paper, forming a layered ball full of treats. I made a quick trip to the store and stocked up on baby goodies (including a Keith Haring bib - amazing!) and proceeded to make my first ever present bomb!

The first thing I wrapped was the rubber ducky. This was a bit tricky, and required a bit of tape to get things started.
Then came treats!
5 facecloths...

In hindsight loose treats like this weren't the best idea - I'm pretty sure some got lost and tossed out in the wrapping!
To change color, I tried to tape one piece of crepe paper to the other, just so that the person opening it could get a fluid roll.
More treats... anything in a squishy bag will wrap super easily.

The last piece...
And a little tag for the top of the present bomb...
 Anddd.... voila!
I left my hand in so you can get an idea of how large it was. It was dense, too!

And for good measure, a few pictures of the mom-to-be opening what was likely the most annoying present at the party.

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